Application for deferment of studies

    • Linnaeus University is a public authority, which means that everything you send to us via email, regular mail, or a form becomes an official document. This means that anyone can request to take part of the material that you have sent in, in accordance with the principle of public access to official documents. In the event of such a request, an assessment is always made concerning whether there is information that is classified according to the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

      In order to be able to handle your case, we must collect and process certain personal data about you. Linnaeus University is responsible for this processing of personal data and the processing is carried out in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance, which means that the personal data is stored in our case management system, to which only authorised members of staff have access. Your personal data is stored as a part of an official document in accordance with guidelines from the Swedish National Archives. Learn more about Linnaeus University’s processing of personal data here: